About us

The T4 Fish Company has been in the making since 2011, but finally came into existence in 2015.  It is a company that aims to appeal to those who love fish, love to fish, and love to be outside and enjoy moments alone or with someone.  For me it was a chance to remember a moment by painting a fish my son caught...to linger in the moment a little longer, and to keep that "I can't wait to do that again" feeling alive!  It was a way to memorialize moments with my son, wife, and family on the water.  It was also a way to blend my art, my passion for the outdoors, and give something back to the environment.  

T4 Fish Company is just that.  T-shirts for fish! I am also the 4th generation Tom in my family, so a dual meaning exists.  Each design is a print of an original watercolor painting that I created.   I love the feel of a favorite cotton T-shirt or poly performance shirt.  I have also taken interest to special designs on apparel.  T4 Fish Co. shirts are a reflection of me and my family.  Each fish tells a story;  a memory of a time, place, and moment.  I am sure you can relate.  The fish are ambassadors for their kind. I hope these fish represent beauty and instill in people a sense of protecting the places they inhabit.  

We have committed from day one to donate a percentage every product sold to the conservation of cold and warm water fisheries like Trout Unlimited (www.tu.org)  and Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership (www.reservoirpartnership.org).  We would also like to donate funds to local stream, wetland, pond/lake habitat restoration projects that get kids involved.  We feel it is vitally important to the future of the youth to see the fruits of their labor, understand the environment, and realize the importance of conservation.  This will help to ensure each and every one of us will be able to linger in the moment for just a little longer.  So when those moments begin to fade, just throw on a T4 Fish Co. shirt that you wore when that moment happened, and day dream.....remember......linger.....  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.



TJ Dredla

T4 Fish Company